Class 9 2024 - 2025
Ms Rachael Fogg
Welcome to class 9's page.
In class 9 there are 6 children in KS3.
This half term class 9 are enjoying the story of giraffes can't dance in English and practising describing animals using a theme board to support.
In maths we are looking at routines as part of time and how they may differ between a week day and weekend as well as sequencing pictures using language related to time.
Our PE is using beanbags in different ways such as balancing them on different part of our bodies, aiming at a target, passing them as part of a group and throwing them to a partner.
Our science topic is hot and cold. We are exploring hot and cold objects, sorting hot and cold items and pictures and making ice pops.
Our themed work this half term is focusing on Africa, looking at different types of habitats as part of this.
Computing is based on algorithms, and we are practising giving bee-bots directions.
With Julie, one of the HLTA's, we are doing art work based on Africa and RE lessons.