Class 10 2024 - 2025
Miss Finch
Welcome to class 10's page 🙂
Class 10 is made up of 9 wonderful pupils taught by Ebony, and supported by Tracey, Linda and Charlotte.
Our overall topic for Autumn 1 is Music, we will be exploring different instruments and begin making and designing our own instruments in DT.
In English, we are enjoying the story 'Creepy Crawly Calypso' with a sensory focus and practicing our reading skills.
In Maths, we are focusing on number skills and measurement, with lots of practical activities and games to keep pupils happy and engaged.
Our Science lessons will link with the Music topic where we will focus on sound and vibration, we will have regular access to the forest school during science where pupils can explore different sounds they can hear and make with outdoor resources.
Pupils will be working towards their ASDAN qualification, during the Autumn term, we will be focusing on 'Understanding my behaviour' which also links with our PSHE topic of self-awareness.
PE sessions will have a focus on independence in dressing and undressing, along with ball games.
Each child in Class 10 will access regular sensory play and exploration, massage and relaxation. Students are encouraged and helped to access individual sensory diets, throughout their school day, including Sensory Circuits, tailored to individual needs. Different forms of communication will also be practiced and encouraged regularly throughout the days.