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Class 12 2024 - 2025

Mr James Brown

Mr James Brown

Welcome to Class 12’s website page.

In Class 12, our pupils are supported by myself, Fiona, Natasha and Shamyana (Sam). We’re all working towards varying levels of Functional Skills Maths and English this year, focusing on our exam skills and applying our knowledge and understanding to answering questions. We are all completing our Personal Development Program (PDP) Silver or Transforming Aspirations ASDAN qualifications. These allow us to cover a wide range of topics/subjects/projects such as:

· Looking after our mental health (PSHE)

· Enterprise

· Improving the look of a garden (science)

· Learning a new creative skill (music/art)

· Tidying a room (life skills)

Spring Term

Class 12 have got a lot to look forwards to this term!

We’re starting to focus in on our exams practice as exam season will soon be upon us! The pupils have all been trying very hard as we focus in on certain exam skills for both English and Maths, ensuring an even coverage of our exam specifications. We have also been continuing with our class enterprise, making and delivering a range of breakfast sandwiches – we’re very close to unveiling our newly updated menu to the whole staff.

We have SENDsafe from the Lancashire Fire and Rescue service coming in to deliver a range of sessions about staying safe in the home and how to deal with emergency situations. We’ve started learning basic first aid each week, looking at bleeding, head injuries, allergies, burns & scalds and basic life support.

In PE we have started learning how to play dodgeball, each team taking turns to have a match. The staff vs pupil match at the end tends to be quite popular! In computing we have started to access Digital Functional Skills. This term we have been accessing our own Hillside email accounts to add each other as contacts and send each other a variety of emails including attachments.

Over the term we will also have a variety of trips planned, please keep a look out for any letters. We are looking forwards to our trip to Preston North End FC, who are hosting us for a morning with tea and toast, to give us a talk about all the careers they offer there.

If parents have any questions, please feel free to contact me through school or the Class 12 email:

James and the Class 12 team.

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Contact Us

Hillside Specialist School and College

Ribchester Road, Longridge,
Preston, Lancashire, PR3 3XB

Kathryn Wilkinson, School Business Manager

T| 01772 782205


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